Your info on your
TV screen
It has never been easier to get the information you like
to share onto TV screens in your organization.
Whether in one location or hundreds of them,
with digital signage from Bizplay you can arrange this in no time at all
This is how easy it is...
Excellent communication is at the heart of every great organization. And if there is one way to get your latest messages across to everyone anywhere, then it’s through TV screens. You can instantly share important information with your customers, employees, students, patients, or anyone on site.
You might think getting something like this setup and then maintaining it is quite an ordeal. And that’s precisely why we created Bizplay: to give you a tool that lets you create and maintain your information logically and naturally. See for yourself...
- Runs in any web browser
- No software maintenance
- Apps for social media, video, news, and more
- Customers in over 80 countries
“We mulled over the idea of a lobby display for a year and reached out to many different companies about their services before we came across Bizplay. Having the chance to try the software before committing to it was wonderful. The software itself is very user-friendly and doesn’t require a computer-wiz to work, which was a really big selling point for us. The lobby display has made for a beautiful addition to our space where we can keep our patrons up-to-date about upcoming shows and events and entertain a waiting audience with some of our promo videos. Theatre Tuscaloosa is going to be sticking with Bizplay for quite a while!”
Online digital signage in so many different places
It cannot be overstated how important digital signage is in hospitals, health centers, and smaller medical practices. It starts with wayfinding. But providing important directions or medical information is extremely important. Just like wait times, schedules, doctor information, and much more.
Whether you're welcoming visitors to your office or keeping your staff up to date with the latest company developments: digital signage is a very convenient way to deliver the right message at the right place and time.
As a multi-functional space for reading and self-education, a library can benefit greatly from providing clear and timely information to visitors through digital signage.
Schools use Bizplay in so many ways. Share the latest school news with both students, teachers and other staff. Designate a section of the page to wayfinding. Share photos of latest events. Or show a calendar of upcoming events.
Bars & restaurants
Restaurants frequently use Bizplay to show digital menu boards. Bars often show promotions, upcoming events, cool YouTube playlists of sports videos, and much more.
Hotels help their guests first and foremost with great wayfinding. But secondly, they help them make the most of their stay by showing everything the hotel and other venues in the area have to offer. It’s a great way of promoting services offered by local partners.
Sports clubs & gyms
Track scores and celebrate wins within your sports club through your digital signage screens. In gyms, digital signage can provide entertainment but also incentivize cross-sales.
Manufacturing & logistics
Efficient processes are key in manufacturing and logistics facilities. Having the right information at the right time and place is a crucial part of this; that is what digital signage enables.
Of course, you don't have
to create all content yourself
There’s a lot of information online that you can bring to your TV screens using Bizplay apps. And with a Pro subscription, you can even create your own apps to integrate virtually any online data source you like quickly.

Why Bizplay?
It's made for you!
Not for some overpriced technical digital signage content management expert. So you can manage your content on your own!
Pick any hardware you like
Virtually any hardware can run a web browser; so virtually any hardware can run Bizplay. Got any questions? We're always glad to help!
Create, publish AND play within a web browser
From anywhere in the world. No need to install any specific software. And you always automatically run the latest and greatest version of Bizplay.
We build this digital signage software with a lot of love and care
We're building and improving Bizplay daily with you -the end customer- in mind.
Apps make presenting fresh content easy
No need to create all content from scratch. Integrate all kinds of online content with our apps.
We have customers in over 80 countries
And they are running thousands of screens to their full satisfaction.
“When creating live TV marathon of 72 hours, we broadcast our YouTube live channel through Bizplay. This broadcast was converted to cable signal so that it could also be viewed on normal cable TV. Bizplay did a great job during these 72 hours of live streaming! We would not have made it without its stability.”